#98: Ocean’s Green Giants: The Vital Role of Kelp with Tristin Anoush McHugh

The ocean is a mysterious realm, home to vital kelp forests that are now in peril. Tristin Anoush McHugh, Kelp Project Director at The Nature Conservancy, sheds light on the threats facing these underwater ecosystems, from sea star diseases to warming oceans. Discover what we can do in this fascinating episode. … More #98: Ocean’s Green Giants: The Vital Role of Kelp with Tristin Anoush McHugh

#51: Dr. Karlisa Callwood – The Combined Ecology of Parrotfish, Spiny Lobsters, and People in Coral Reef Systems

Summary My guest today is Dr. Karlisa Callwood. Dr. Callwood is the director of the community conservation education and action program for the Perry Institute for Marine Science, and an expert on the coral reef fisheries of the Bahamas, and has a PhD in Ecosystem Science and Policy from the University of Miami in Florida. … More #51: Dr. Karlisa Callwood – The Combined Ecology of Parrotfish, Spiny Lobsters, and People in Coral Reef Systems

#45: Siena Mckim – The Wild World of Sea Sponges

Summary My guest today is Siena Mckim. Siena is a PhD student at UC Santa Barbara studying sponges in the kelp forest, which is arguably one of the most iconic marine communities. In particular, she’s looking at sponge symbionts – basically, the tiny marine organisms that use sponges as a habitat.  Today we hear about … More #45: Siena Mckim – The Wild World of Sea Sponges